Marketing Your Platinum One Destinations Business

Saturday, November 1, 2008 ·

With so many business opportunities out there and so many ways to market them, it is no wonder that someone starting a new business doesn't really know where to turn. Even within Platinum One Destinations different people build their businesses in different ways and some have preferences for the way they build their business. My choice- a combination of different marketing methods keep you from having all of your eggs in one basket.

So what exactly are your choices? Below is a relatively small list of different ways to attract new members to your team with P1D.

Lead generation advertising- This method in and of itself is daunting if you just try to venture out and find a lead source to use. While a lead is a lead is a lead, you want to be sure that you are using a lead who has responded to a home business ad and is not expecting a job. Leads can be priced from pennies a piece all the way up to $25.00 depending on how qualified you want the person that you are talking to. The lead company that I prefer is Networker Central and I will tell you why.

Networker Central offers a variety of different lead packages depending on your budget. My favorite are the My Presentation leads which will send prospective team members directly to your Platinum One Destinations or Nettrav website- whichever you choose. Your prospect will then be added in to the auto responder in the back office of Networker Central. I have a great response from these leads- not only do I get in touch with a higher percentage than any other leads that I have used but they are about a third of the cost of other leads of the same caliber.

Lead generation is probably the simplest method of generating prospective team members for yourself. Others do the advertising and the legwork and you just decide how many leads of which type you want.

Guerrilla Marketing Techniques- Platinum One Destinations has the distinct advantage of having me as a certified guerrilla marketer. I have given several trainings on guerrilla marketing which is found in the Synergy-U of your website but the basic premise is that this type of marketing is for people who have extra time but not of extra money. Doing things such as handing out flyers, posting signs in high traffic areas, and auto responders are all simple, easy and inexpensive ways of creating people who are interested in gathering information on your business opportunity. One of the most popular methods of guerrilla marketing in use today is Web 2.0 marketing.

Web 2.0 Marketing- This aspect of marketing while simple and inexpensive takes a little more time and some knowledge about what you are talking about to be effective. Web 2.0 or viral marketing is a method of networking through social sites on the Internet to not only brand yourself, but to provide valuable information on your subject of expertise to people who are looking for such information. Web 2.0 marketing can also be used to directly market Platinum One Destinations and Nettrav or the opportunity that you are presenting. Blogs, MySpace, BetterNetworker, Digg, and YouTube are all examples of this type of marketing. You can also send out press releases when there have been exciting announcements from P1D and the Synergy Marketing Group or write articles and submit them to places such as Ezine articles or Articles Base.

Warm Market and Local Prospecting- A tried and true approach is talking to people in your sphere of influence or that you come in contact with on your daily travels. Even if these people are not looking to make any changes in their lives, they may know people that are. Be sure to have the right approach with people, you don't want them to run in the opposite direction when they see you in the future. Find out what they are looking for and what they want and then approach introducing your business from that direction.

These are just a few of the ways that you can use to assist you in creating interest in your Platinum One Destinations business. Each of them alone can be very effective, but if you combine two or more you can increase the number of people that you are introducing to your opportunity on a daily basis. Apply them consistently and your P1D and Nettrav business will grow in leaps and bounds.


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Bob Biss
For more information go to:
The Economic Power in P1D!

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Everything you need to know about Platinum One Destinations, NetTrav, and the Synergy Marketing Group. I cut to the chase, give you the bottom line, and provide the tools for you to be successful in this business.

P1D provides a simple proven formula and a revolutionary travel product that is creating waves in the networking marketing industry.

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Hello, I am Bob Biss, one of the cofounders of the Synergy Marketing Group, the marketing arm of Platinum One Destinations. For an up close and personal chat with me go to the About link at the top of the page.