Leading By Example in Your Platinum One Destinations Business

Monday, August 18, 2008 ·

Ever wonder what it takes to really rise to the top? To become the one that others look to for advice and mentorship? Developing leadership skills as you develop your Platinum One Destinations business can be crucial to your success. You can have the biggest team in the world, but if you don't know how to guide them you will lose the most important part of growing your home based business- duplication.

One of the first places to start in your leadership skills is to always lead by example. Don't ask those to do what you feel you don't have to. If you are asking your team to do something that you are not, they will pick up on it very quickly. And the response that follows will be one of, "if she isn't doing it and is successful, why should I?"

A big example is prospecting. Although you may reach a point in your business where you have several leaders you are assisting and your team is growing, it may be a mistake to stop prospecting all together. As you get stronger in your business, prospecting becomes easier, which result in adding to your team with less work so why lose that momentum?

Platinum One Destinations is set up with both high upfront commissions and residuals, making it so you will not have to work as hard once you get a team going, however what happens when you are going to the Wealth Building Events and Synergy Summits with no guests of your own? Your team is going to see that and slowly but surely they will stop bringing guests too. Now you are back at square one and have lost the momentum you worked so hard to obtain.

Being a positive influence is also key to becoming a great leader. Everyone has a bad day and may feel as if things are not going their way. It is up to you to push the negativity out the door and steer the conversation or email into a better place. Make sure when it is you having the bad day you go up to your upline, not down to your team. No one needs their leader being the one putting sour grapes out there. Always look for the best in every situation and pull out the factors that are going to move things forward the fastest.

The Synergy Marketing Group has created a very comprehensive and state of the art marketing system which is fondly referred to as the MAC system. As a good leader you want to teach your team how to use the system to find answers instead of you. The worst thing you can do for your team is to become an adult babysitter, handholding everyone every step of the way. Teach them to leverage their time and yours by being system dependent and they will soon be able to grow a great team and become better leaders themselves.

Continue your personal development daily. In order to be the best that you can be, you cannot stop growing. Just when you think you have reached the point that you have strived for reach a little further. As stated in many other places- you have to work harder on yourself than on your business. True leaders never believe that they have learned all that they need to know.

Going to events is not only a way to set yourself apart as a leader but to grow your team much faster. Going back to the leading by example- if you are telling your team, "go to the WBE's, go to the Synergy Link calls, go to the Synergy Summits", but are never there yourself they are going to think it is not important. Be visible, be active, be there.

Platinum One Destinations is only as good as its' leaders and fortunately we have the best. Model them, listen to them, and follow them and you will reach the success you not only desire but deserve. See you at the next event!


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Bob Biss
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The Economic Power in P1D!

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Everything you need to know about Platinum One Destinations, NetTrav, and the Synergy Marketing Group. I cut to the chase, give you the bottom line, and provide the tools for you to be successful in this business.

P1D provides a simple proven formula and a revolutionary travel product that is creating waves in the networking marketing industry.

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Hello, I am Bob Biss, one of the cofounders of the Synergy Marketing Group, the marketing arm of Platinum One Destinations. For an up close and personal chat with me go to the About link at the top of the page.